Research Study on Cannabinoids for Californians with OA, RA, or Fibromyalgia

photo containing information in this post

Researchers from the University of Michigan are conducting a study on the efficacy of different cannabinoids (such as CBD and cannabis) in treating Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Osteoarthritis and YOU have the opportunity to participate!

If you complete the study you may receive up to $500 in Amazon gift cards.

Again, this is for California residents only.

Learn more here!

The study sponsors are LEVEL and OvercomeEach participant will be in the study for 12 weeks. You can easily participate from the comfort and safety of your home using your smartphone. Again, this study is on the consumption of cannabinoids such as CBD and cannabis.

The study is limited and on a first-come, first-serve basis. To learn more and find out if you are eligible to participate, please visit

white background with a photo of a pipe in the foreground and pot plants in the background and black text underneath: "Research on Marijuana and Chronic Pain" and "Not Standing Still's Disease"

Research on Marijuana and Chronic Pain

As a proponent of medical marijuana, one of the recent pieces of research I appreciate the most is around opiate use and pot.

Two different studies found that states that legalized marijuana across the board had lower opiate use rates and fewer opiate prescriptions. A few years ago, another paper found 25% fewer opiate-related deaths in states with medical marijuana. I personally think a lot of the hype against opiates is uncool, but they’ve also almost never worked for me.

With all of this information coming out, it’s a shame that the federal government won’t allow a lot of research directly with pot. The NIH is one of the only places that can participate in this research. Their research position hasn’t been changed in nearly half a century despite many advancements, anecdotal evidence, and changes in popular opinion.

It’s frustrating because we know that cannabis can treat chronic pain effectively for some conditions including multiple sclerosis and RA. With a lack of general pain management, especially with the opiate situation, many patients – like me – are left to experiment.

CBD oil, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in hemp and marijuana, has been found to have a number of medical benefits on its own. It can lower and help control both inflammation and neuropathic pain. It’s known to help with epilepsy and other seizure-causing disorders. CBD oil can also help a great deal with a variety of anxiety disorders including PTSD.

Whether the THC or CBD portions have been utilized, one thing is clear – people have been using marijuana as medicine for millennia.

It’s important to note that no insurance company covers marijuana because it’s illegal in the US. While patients are saving money on opiates as they have to take fewer if any while using pot, their out-of-pocket costs can be quite high. Marijuana always has to be bought with cash and it’s not like you can get discounts on generic pot, either. That said, a few states including New Mexico allow for reimbursement of medical marijuana costs in workers compensation cases. In Canada, however, insurance companies will begin covering medical marijuana soon!

I hope things will begin to change soon. That means, though, that those of us who advocate for the use of marijuana or CBD oil need to start showing up in the political world. That’s the only way these things are going to change.

While we’re at it, I hope that we forgive marijuana-related crimes like San Francisco as we begin to legalize and normalize pot across the board. To say it’s a shame that people are still in jail for pot-related crimes in fully legal states is a gross understatement.

The Beginner’s Guide to Cannabis for Pain

background of photo is a dark background with various bokeh-style lights; a white outline is slightly inset from the corners; everything is middle-aligned; a green cannabis leaf with white text "The Beginner's Guide to" green text "CANNABIS FOR PAIN" white text "Not Standing Still's Disease"
A lot has changed for me in a year, and a lot of it comes from being more open to trying cannabis and CBD-related products for pain relief.


In December 2016, I tried high CBD edibles for the first time on a trip to Oregon. I had instant pain relief that lasted for a few days, despite traveling and dealing with flight delays. A year later, my pain levels have gone down immensely with the help of cannabis-related products like those containing CBD oil.


I heavily believe that without the pain relief CBD has brought into my life, I might not be here. I was in so much pain. Do I still hurt every single day? Absolutely, but not nearly to the same levels as before. I’ve even gone from being essentially couch-bound to hitting the gym 4-6 days a week.



The popularity of cannabis and CBD for health has grown immensely over the last few years with increased visibility, legalization, and research on these materials. There’s much more research now on the abilities of cannabis products to relieve pain, aid with immune system function, ease PTSD, and lower nausea. You can find more research here.
Organizations like the US Pain Foundation continue to share information about and advocate for medical marijuana – and the inclusion of chronic pain causing conditions. Ellen talks often about how societal stigma made her avoid cannabis for pain at first and how it’s changed her life. Even Sanjay Gupta has been a vocal supporter of medical marijuana for several years.


Choosing a Method

There are many ways to partake in the legal consumption of cannabis or CBD products. A variety of companies offer items like CBD gum, capsules, vape pens, lotionsgift boxes, and more. United Patients Group has a great resource around the pros and cons of different methods.


If you are utilizing any part of the cannabis plant – psychoactive or not – medicinally, it’s a great idea to track the effects. Different methods might affect you differently. For example, lotions help me immensely with my Still’s rash and joint pain while vaping tends to help my PTSD and anxiety more.


Your local dispensary can be an indispensable asset. When I was in Oregon, I was able to talk through options with the staff there and choose items that fit what I was looking for – something with high CBD for chronic pain.


Before you start this journey, make sure to check the status of cannabis in your state. Note that there are many ways to take action if you’d like to help the legalization process further in your area.


More Resources

If you’re looking for more information on CBD and cannabis-related resources, please check out this resource page.
Do you have questions about the use of cannabis or CBD for pain? Have a story to share? Leave a comment!
Disclaimer: This is a post sponsored by Nakturnal. All opinions in this piece remain my own and I was in no way influenced by this company or their sponsorship. All information displayed in this post is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical advice or treatment for any specific person or condition. Cannabis has not been analyzed or approved by the FDA. Individual results may vary. Be aware of cannabis’ legality where you live before partaking.


CBD Resources

thickly black outlined square photo of greenery with white text at middle "CBD Resources" and at bottom middle "not standing still's disease"
With how much many patients have been utilizing CBD (Cannabidiol) oil, I wanted to list some resources here for people to learn more about it.
In addition to listing various ways you might find CBD, they’ve pulled together a large list of conditions and what CBD does for them. They’re also super nice.
This site has a great collection of information on all things CBD. From their beginner’s guide to videos to a clinical journal, they have a lot to offer as well.
Other popular sites about CBD (and marijuana itself) include Leafly Medical Jane, High Times, The Cannabist, and NORML.
Get CBD:
Canna Treehouse offers the lotions I mention below from The Fay Farm in addition to a variety drops, mints, lotions, and other items.
Liberty Lotion is one of the first affiliates I’ve had on this site. I’ve tried their tincture (see below for review) and their lotion, and love both. They have lip balm as well that I’m dying to try. If you use the code NSSD, you can save 10% off any order!
My Reviews:

Bonus: Me discussing using edibles (and pot) for the first time


Make sure to check on laws for your state if looking at CBD oil containing THC or marijuana.

Last updated Sept 2017.