I started my antidepressant Friday following a doctor appointment on Thursday… in the middle of having food poisoning, but no biggie, right?
As much as I felt awful from that all weekend, I noticed that I’ve laughed more – and not just more, but more deeply. I’ve felt more in the moment and my brain has been able to function quick enough to not only get T’s punny jokes right away but to also make my own.
Seriously, so nice.
I also slept in my bed for the first time in a WEEK Sunday night. My hip is a little less happy today because of it, but it was so worth it.
Playing with the guinea pigs was easier and I got quite a bit done because I had motivation. Part of that was likely due to the fact that I’ve eaten more than two bananas now that I’m recovering.
T and I also are consolidating finances so we can look at getting a house next year-ish. I was actually surprised what a good position we were in to get everything moved around the right way to pay off. It’s pretty awesome… plus now I can continue my HGTV obsession because it’ll mean something in a while.
I do still feel like I’m not up to speed at work.
But I’m being challenged in a great way and I can handle that. It just means I need to work a little harder at this, and with the mental fog lifted a little bit, I think that’s doable. Plus I’m working on some amazing projects and helping to keep patients more at the center of things which I LOVE.
For now, I’m off to be more anxious about my surgery consult. See ya on the flipside!