Day 9: Caregiving #HAWMC

Today’s post centers on tips and advice to the caregivers out there. Over the past few years, I have posted several things focusing on caregivers that I felt needed reposting. Take a look!

  • A review of Partners in Healing: Simple Ways to Offer Support, Comfort, and Care to a Loved One Facing Illness by William Collinge, PhD.
  • An interview with Carla Jones, author of Death by Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • A review of After the Diagnosis: Transcending Chronic Illness by Dr Julian Seifter & his wife Betsy
  • A study showing that partners of those with RA and like diseases suffer as much emotionally as the patient themselves
  • A post from last year’s HAWMC focusing on my support system
  • Two posts on sex and chronic illnesses:
  • An interview with my fiance about the difficulties of being in a sometimes caregiver role, and tips/advice for others doing the same
I hope that this lovely collection of links can help to add to the knowledge that you, as a caregiver, are not alone – and that relationships can survive and even thrive through these chronic illnesses. It took living my own life to realize that, as bad of a third wheel as Arthur can be, he can’t ever severe the relationship I have with my fiance. I refuse to be another one in a long line of statistics proving that love loses in the chronic illness game. But that takes understanding the difficulties that come along with A) dating me and B) dating Arthur – realizing that it is just as hard for my fiance to live with Arthur as it is for me, and maybe even emotionally more difficult because he knows there is nothing he can do to fix this for me.
Just as a final remark to all my fellow spoonies – please remember that you’re not angry with your significant other, but with your illness. It makes a huge difference when you stop taking out your anger on the people who are there to support you.

One thought on “Day 9: Caregiving #HAWMC

  1. Thanks for all of those links, and your advice. Most of the interviews and books you reference I haven't read. I'm glad you have a strong relationship, it does make all the difference. I was well at the beginning of my last marriage, the added stress of illness ended it. It sounds like you have a great foundation! My new husband, well we have been married 14 years hasn't known anything other than the sick me, he accepts it all. Now on to the links! Thanks again!

    Life with RA is a Pain

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