Lately, especially in the last week or so, I have begun to deal with more and more fatigue as a result of my arthritis. It’s gotten to the point where I am nearly passing out from exhaustion, only to sleep for 2-4 hours at a time (well, at least today… then again, I was up most of the night). I’ve been reading up on fatigue in the past few hours and found out some interesting things.
People on vegan diets fare better than those who take in dairy and meats. Prince Fielder may not be the only reason I’m seriously considering going vegetarian.
My emotional distress is probably making my fatigue worse. That’s probably a no-brainer to someone not wearing my shoes, but it didn’t really occur to me. (By the way, I am starting a new job next week that will be a lot better physically and emotionally for my arthritis, so that’s awesometastic)
And I’m glad that I’m not on huge painkillers for yet another reason.